Financing Services

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Let's say you want to buy a house, go on vacation, or get your dream car, but for such things, prioritising tasks and budgeting are crucial. To accomplish all of these things, we must look at the management of financial structures. .

Personal finance is the management of your money, including budgeting, saving, investing, and debt management. The aim of personal finance is to help you achieve financial stability and security to grow your wealth, and help you with goals, such as saving for retirement, buying a home, or starting a business. Personal finance covers a wide range of topics, including income management, budgeting, saving, investing, taxes, insurance, and retirement planning.

Want to Learn about Financial Independence For Women
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Why Personal Finance is Important?

Building wealth

Building wealth requires a long-term perspective and a commitment , Personal finance helps you save and invest money, grow you wealth, and reach their long-term financial goals.

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Achieving financial independence

Personal finance is a key component of financial independence , avoiding high-intrest debts and making habit of investing a portion of income can help achiving financial independence.

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Reducing financial stress

Financial stress can have a significant impact on your overall well-being,so creating money management like budgeting and tracking expenditure plan would reduce financial stress.

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Preparing for emergencies

An emergency fund is an essential part of personal finance , this will provide a backup plan in worst case scenario.

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Say Yes to Financial Freedom with

Maximize your financial potential with our trusted financing services , as we are the best certified financial goal planner and we believe that everyone deserves access to affordable and reliable financing options. That's why we have a team of experienced financial advisors who are dedicated to helping our customers find the best financing solution for their needs.

Get the Best Certified Risk planner and financial advice
Best Savings & investment planner and get Best Certified Financial Goal planner and Retirement/ Pension Advisor
Get the Best AMFi Certified Mutual Fund Distributor
Get the Best Certified Retirement/ Pension Advisor
 Best Certified Financial Goal planner
 Best Certified Financial saving, investment and Goal planner

Get the Financial Help You Need with RAFCO WEALTH's Customized Financing Options

At RAFCO WEALTH, we understand the importance of financing and how it can help individuals and businesses achieve their financial goals. That's why we offer a wide range of financing solutions to meet the unique needs of our clients. Begineers can invest through multiple path like investing equity via mutual funds.


Life Insurance

There are several types of life insurance such as Term Life Insurance,Variable Life Insurance and every life insurance has its own set of benefits and limitations ,we help you get best of them.


Health Insurance

There are several types of health insurance, each offering different levels of coverage and benefits, we help you to understand thier hidden clause and select the best for your according to your financial structure.


Multiply Wellness

Multiply Wellness insurance is the commulation of many insurance at one place , this is a unique type of insurance where policyholders should be encouraged for healthy habits and promoting preventative care.


Motor Insurance

There are several types of motor insurance, including liability insurance, collision insurance, we help you to get best policy which protects against financial losses and legal liabilities in the event of an accident.

Financial Planning For Women

RAFCO WEALTH stands as a beacon of empowerment, offering specialized money management services customized explicitly for women. In a world where financial independence's security are paramount, RAFCO WEALTH recognises the unique challenges and opportunities that women face in management of their finances. Led by managing partner Rashid Junaid Ahmed, MBA finance the firm is dedicated to providing best personalized guidance and support to help women achieve their financial goals and secure their futures.

Women's financial journeys are often shaped by diverse factors, including career breaks, family responsibilities, and societal norms. At RAFCO WEALTH we understand the importance of addressing these unique circumstances and empowering women to take control of their financial well-being. Our team of experienced financial advisors work closely with each client to develop personalized money management strategies that align with their individual needs goals and values.

One of the key pillars of RAFCO WEALTH is money management approach for women is education. We believe that knowledge is power, and we are committed to equipping women with the financial literacy and skills they need to make informed decisions about their money through one-on-one consultations workshops, and educationl resources, we empower women to understand their financial situation set achievable goals, and develop sustainable financial habits.

Moreover, RAFCO WEALTH recognizes the importance of inclusivity and diversity in financial planning. We strive to create a safe and welcoming environment where women feel comfortable discussing their financial concerns and aspirations openly. Our team takes the time to listen attentively to each client's unique circumstances and provides empathetic support and guidance every step of the way.

Why Investment is Important For Women?

Creating Financial Security for the Future

Investing offers women a way to create financial security for themselves and their families, providing a safety net for unforeseen expenses or emergencies. Building investment portfolios diversified across asset classes can help women weather economic downturns and unexpected life events.

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Protection against inflation

Investing provides protection against inflation, ensuring that the value of your money does not erode over time. Whether it's saving for a down payment on a home, starting a business, or funding a child's education, investing can help women achieve their financial goals.

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Closing the gender wealth gap

Women have historically earned less than men and have fewer opportunities to accumulate wealth. Women often face a gender wealth gap due to factors like the gender pay gap, career interruptions, and lower lifetime earnings. Investing can help women close the gender wealth gap and achieve financial independence.

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Retirement planning

Investing is crucial for women's retirement planning, especially considering their longer life expectancies. By investing in retirement accounts such as 401(k)s, IRAs, or pension plans, women can build a substantial nest egg to support themselves during their retirement years.

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Investment Trend of women

Over the past few decades, there has been a significant increase in the number of women participating in investment markets. Women are becoming more actively involved in managing their finances and making investment decisions. Women often have distinct financial goals and priorities, such as saving for retirement, funding education for children, buying a home, or starting a business. Their investment strategies are often aligned with these goals, emphasizing long-term growth, stability, and security. Investment habits of women tends to revolve around thier children expenses, usually have low risk appetite and is very calculated while doing investment. The prefrences of women for investment is fixed income like FD, PPF among major instruments for investment, they usually prefer to have a keen interest in physical gold, both in the form of jewellery and other gold instruments such as Sovereign Gold Bonds.

The percentage of women making financial decisions can vary based on cultural, societal, and economic factors. While traditionally men have been perceived as the primary decision-makers in financial matters, there has been a significant shift in recent years towards more gender equality in this domain. However, specific percentages may be challenging to pinpoint precisely without the most up-to-date data. But to sum it we see that 48 per cent women depend upon men for their financial decisions, 11 per cent women take help from financial advisors, and 36.5 per cent women do not have their own savings but nowadays Women now more keen on being self employed and gain financial independence .

Money Tip For Women

To get the Financial independence: women should save at least 20% from each month's salary and invest the saving amount at the right place where the income can beat inflation. Start investing early to get the power of compunding and optimise benefits by investing for long term to get a high return over a long term period and gradually increase the amount of investment at any cost.

In addition to education and support, RAFCO WEALTH offers a comprehensive range of money management services cutomized specifically for women. From budgeting and saving to investing and retirement planning, we provide personalized solutions designed to help women build wealth, achieve financial independence, and create a secure financial future for themselves and their families.

Furthermore RAFCO WEALTH is committed to advocating for gender equality and financial empowerment on a broader scale. We actively engage with community organization, partition advocacy initiatives, and support causes that promote women's economic empowerment and financial inclusion.

In conclusion, RAFCO WEALTH is more than just a financial services firm - it is a trusted partner and ally for women on their journey towards financial independence and security. Through personalized guidance, education, and support, we empower women to take control of their finances, achieve their goals and live life on their own terms. With RAFCO WEALTH by their side women can confidently navigate the complexities of the financial world and build a brighter more prosperous future for themselves and their loved ones.

Get Best Finances, savings and investment planner for women and
Best Certified Retirement/ Pension Advisor
Best Certified Risk planner for Women

How to Start the Investment?

At RAFCO WEALTH, we provide educational resources on investing, including how to create a diversified investment portfolio, how to choose the right investment account, and how to manage investment risk. We also offer one-on-one coaching and financial planning sessions to help women create a comprehensive financial plan that aligns with their goals and values. Contact us today to learn more about our investment services and start your journey towards financial freedom. Begineers can invest through multiple path like investing equity via mutual funds.


Large Cap Funds

Large-cap funds are those that invest primarily in the equities of large-capitalization corporations. Because the top corporations in terms of capital size are also known as blue-chip companies, large-cap equity funds are also known as blue-chip funds. It provides stability of investments and gives better capital appreciation and usually resistant to economic downturn.


Index Fund

An index fund is a form of investment fund with a portfolio designed to follow or match the components of financial market indexes such as the S&P 500 Index (S&P 500). Investing in index funds has long been thought to be one of the wisest investments you can make. Index funds are inexpensive, provide for diversity, and produce strong long-term returns.


Debt Funds

Debt funds (also called bond funds) invest most of their money in fixed-income securities such as government bonds, corporate bonds and other money market instruments. It has low cost investment and tax efficient , debt funds are relatively less volatile than equity funds and can provide stability to an investor's portfolio.


Gold Investment

Not only is gold valued as a jewellery, the metal is also a popular form of investment in India. Most families have cherished gold for generations, passing it on from generation to generation as an asset. Make gold a part of your portfolio but investment in gold must not go beyond 10% of your total investment capacity.